When you are ready to join the Network and start a monitoring program, contact us and we will hep you in designing and creating a Program using ISN's platform.
Sentinels (e.g., Guardians, ISN App users, data collectors, community members; etc.) can download the mobile application to collect data and share observations about their environment. Using the mobile app, Sentinels will document patterns and fill out survey forms that will be uploaded to their community’s privacy protected database.
Once a community or organization joins the Network and creates a monitoring program, Sentinels (e.g., ISN App users, data collectors, and community members) can download the mobile application to collect data and share observations about their environment. Using the mobile app, Sentinels will document patterns and fill out survey forms that will be uploaded to their community’s database. From their, the community admin will support with data assurance, synthesis, and sharing information back to the broader Network based on the program’s priorities and data sharing permissions. Learn more about some of our data collection programs and how it works here!